Friday, August 31, 2007

It's Been Awhile

It has almost been a month since my last blog. I don't know where the time went. Just like Jeremiah has said our lives have been very busy this month and I am glad that they are slowing down.
I am almost finished with my first quarter of Master's classes at Strayer University. I take my finals next week. Then I will have three weeks off before I start my next two classes. It will be weird to think that I will have four classes done soon and well on my way to be finished.
One exciting thing that has happened this month is I am the new Small Groups Coordinator at our church, Coast Community Church. I feel so excited and ready to start something that I am passionate and driven to do. My first task is to gather some people that are interested in leading small groups and start a trailing process. The bad news came on Monday though when I found out we wouldn't be able to get our material for training until the end of September. We are going to meet though and discuss some material. God really has been opening up some doors for me right now and things really are changing.
The one thing that I have been missing is reading. I really like to read. I have read almost 20 books this year and I still have 3 more months in this year to see how many I can get done. My favorite thing to do is putting my head on Jeremiah's leg and reading while he is watching TV or working on his computer. I haven't been able to do that lately because of school finishing up and many other activities. The time will come when I can get back to it and I will be come one again.
I will try for my next post to be not so far away from this post! If anyone is reading my page at all. If you are enjoy!!

Friday, August 10, 2007

My week without my husband

This week my husband, Jeremiah went to Atlanta, GA with our kids from the youth group. I kind of was a little bummed that I couldn't go and had to stay home and work but I didn't have any vacation time to go. They sound like they had a good time and God really touched there lives through the retreat theme "Downpour." I applaud the adults who go because spending every day for a week with teenagers gets a little much sometimes.

Some of the highlights of my week by myself is finishing my Masters homework early in the week so I don't have to worry about it this weekend. I spend Wednesday night with Lil' Andy and Miranda at her house just playing and hanging out. Big Andy was out of town this week as well. Very uneventful week unlike my previous weeks with many family visitors this summer.

Our crazy and amazing summer is starting to slow down and come to an end and I don't know if I am excited or sad that the summer is almost over. I am excited though for our Summer Funeral that is coming up next Sunday (August 19). I am working on some fun and outrageous water games and an amazing smack and I am so excited. This will be the first time that I have planned most of an event. I am super excited. Come and find out what exciting and extraordinary games and fun we are going to have.